Gizwits Docs
Control device using Web Socket


Remote device control with JavaScript in Web page is implemented by calling the open API and Web Socket API of Gizwits. Open API accomplishes operations such as anonymous user login, device binding, and listing bound devices. While Web Socket API accomplishes operations such as user login, device online and offline notification, data exchange between the browser and the cloud (data transparent transmission), heartbeat, and invalid message notification.


When the device is successfully connected to the cloud, you can use the following process to control the device:

process to control the device


Call Open API to log in as an anonymous user and bind devices.

1. Get phone_id

phone_id can be the unique identifier of user’s phone. Otherwise when you already have your own user system and don’t want users to sign up for a Gizwits account again, you can use this API to create a corresponding Gizwits anonymous account for each of your users. In this case, phone_id can be the unique identifier of the user in your system. For example, when integrating with WeChat application, phone_id can be set to the openid of the WeChat user.

2. Create user用户管理/post_app_users

2.1. Fill in the appid

Fill in the appid

2.2. Fill in the body

Fill in the body

2.3. Log in as an anonymous user and get a token

Log in as an anonymous user and get a token

3. Binding equipment

POST request URL:绑定管理/post_app_bind_mac

3.1. Fill in the appid

Fill in the appid

3.2. Fill in the returned token when logged as an anonymous user

Fill in the returned token when logged as an anonymous user

3.3. Fill in Timestamp, Signature and Body parameters

Fill in Timestamp, Signature and Body parameters


As shown below:

MD5 helper

Control device using Web Socket

1. SDK for Web Socket API

Its link is as follows:

2. Run index.html

Run index.html

3. Control device using Web Socket

Control device using Web Socket

Control device in two ways

1. Standard data point protocol V4

1.1. Initialize Gizwits WS Object

The request parameters are:

Param Description Value
apiHost Gizwits Open API domain
commType Standard data point format protocol attrs_v4
wechatOpenId OpenID of WeChat user (i.e. phone_id) String
gizwitsAppId Gizwits application identifier String

Initialize as follows:


1.2. Get a bound device list

If you want to obtain the bound device list, first confirm whether the user (i.e. openid) has bound the devices to be controlled.

Get a bound device list

1.3. Create a Web Socket Connection

Select a device to control, and create a Web Socket connection.

Create a Web Socket Connection

1.4. Read the current state of the device

Select the connected device and read the current state of the device.

Read the current state of the device

1.5. Control device

Select the connected devices and issue control instructions.

For example, send the control instruction {“Swicth”:true} as follows:

Control device

  • If you want to set the value of the extended binary field to hexadecimal value 616263, each byte of the binary string is converted to a decimal element of an array after padding the extended field to the given length
  • Set the Boolean type field to true or false
"binary": [97,98,99,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]

Control the virtual device:

Control the virtual device

2. Custom format protocol V4

The custom format protocol V4 is also called transparent transmission without data points.

2.1. Initialize Gizwits WS Object

The request parameters are:

Param Description Value
apiHost Gizwits Open API domain
commType Custom format protocol custom
wechatOpenId OpenID of WeChat user (i.e. phone_id) String
gizwitsAppId Gizwits application identifier String

Initialize Gizwits WS Object

2.2. Get a bound device list

Get a bound device list

2.3 Create a Web Socket connection

Select a device to control, and create a Web Socket connection.

Create a Web Socket connection

2.4. Read the current state of the device

Select the connected device and read the current state of the device:

Read the current state of the device

2.5. Issue control instructions

Select the connected device and issue the control instruction: [0,0,0,3,9,0,0,144,1,0,1,2,3,4] (Note: The instruction payload is decimal, of which 0,0,0,3 is for header, 9 for len, 0 for flag, 0,144 for cmd, 1 for action, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 for business instruction), as follows:

Issue control instructions

The virtual device receives the instruction as follows:

FF FF 00 0B 03 1E 00 00 01 00 01 02 03 04 37

The virtual device receives the instruction